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Senior Golden Sneakers - November 2010

:heart: :heart: :heart: Welcome to November :heart: :heart: :heart:


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart::heart::heart: Good morning Sandy:heart::heart: :heart:

    Thanks for giving us a new month.We didn't have any trick or treaters. Seems like that part of our life is dying out.

    My goal for Nov. is just tp make it thru Nov and keep on this portion control plate WOE So far it is working out pretty good. But you know me in about 3 weks I will get bored with it and try another plan. Hope not tho. But with the holidays and birthday it wont be easy.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: have a wonderful week,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Monday Morning!!!
    I am setting new goals for myself this month also, Marie. I have been lax on watching my calories and in my exercise. I am going back to three small meals with two snacks, exercise and lots of water. When I first started on MFP I was diligent in my commitment to lose weight. I need to get back on track and reach my goal with or without the Holidays. :grumble:

    On another note, I stopped taking the Lyrica because it did make me gain weight and that is not acceptable. I will continue with the exercises and with time I am sure the sciatica will go away. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: as I was working on my applesauce yesterday morning, I was thinking that the great thing about making applesauce is that it happens during the time of the year when it's rainy and it's nice to having something delightful to do indoors.......that's in contrast to canning.....canning vegetables usually happens during the warm months when it's no fun to be working over the stove on a beautiful day when the outdoors is calling to you to go for a walk or do something fun.

    :flowerforyou: we had 28 trick or treaters last night.....we gave them quarters so we have no left-over candy to worry about.

    :flowerforyou: so far my goals for November are the same as my goals were in October....i liked them and they make sense as a focus again this month.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member

    My goal for Nov. is just tp make it thru Nov and keep on this portion control plate WOE So far it is working out pretty good. But you know me in about 3 weks I will get bored with it and try another plan. Hope not tho. But with the holidays and birthday it wont be easy.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Marie, I laughed when I read this......I have learned about so many different diets because of all the new things you've tried and shared with us.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Good Afternoon All!

    My November goal is to survive it! I have been rehabbing the knee. It is getting better but oh so slowly. We went to a big Halloween party this weekend and had a blast. We went as "sick and tired". It was too much fun. Sunday we went to see Samantha and had a great day. We took her to the mall, to Sam's Club, and out to eat. I am now broke again! LOL

    Not a lot else to report, just life as normal. I have an appointment with the surgeon late this afternoon to check my progress and to get the stitches out. I should get his final findings today too. I will probably stay away from training for a few more weeks. I have been able to keep my weight down so far and that is good. I hate losing the same pounds multiple times. But I am hungry now! LOL

    Take care everyone!

  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    Quarters are a great idea for trick or treaters. I wasn't home. I was on my way back from Little Rock. My 2 year old granddaughter was "Nemo".

    Jeffrey - how do you dress up as "sick and tired"? You need to post a picture.

    I did not make my goal last month so I am rolling it in to November. It won't be easy - I have three trips this month plus Thanksgiving. Wish me luck!

    I have never made applesauce but I bet it's wonderful.
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Monday,

    My goals for the month of November is to go to the gym at least 3 to 4 time per week, well today I made it, it was a so nice my daugther and I went together this morning, we talked and had a great time, she was sharing some of her floor exercises and we're having such a good time, one of the lady's trainer came over and give us a great complaiment. I'll miss her when she goes back home, but now we're having a BALL.:love::love: :love:

    Sandy - Thank you for starting November, sorry about gaining weight with the medicine, I know you will take it off.:wink::wink: :wink:

    Barbie - I made applesauce when my girls were little and I was stay home Mom, I still remember the wonderful smell :happy: :happy: :happy:

    We had a lots of kids last night we didn't have enough candy, so in the middle of all the kids coming and going, Mike went to Wallmart and got more candy, the only problem is all the candy isn't gone, I'm ok I like Dark Chocolate only. The weather was beautiful here for the kids.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Gayla - How are things on your end, is Neil doing a little better, hope he is:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is well, have fun.:love::love: :love:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! This will be another quick post as dinner is in the oven. We are eating the leftovers from the weekend so a little of this and a little of that. I hope it turns out to be enough. If not, there is always chocolate. :wink: I don't know why but I am really tired today. I am thinking it is from candy overload. Time to take care of that!! Neil and I both saw our family doc. today. He has been spraying my raised dry skin patches with liquid nitrogen. They are on my back and he says they are looking great. Hope they don't come back. It does hurt but only for seconds. He also took out Neil's staples and that went very well. He is so kind to Neil. Neil does have a bit of skin infection so he gave me some cream for it. Nothing is ever easy for him it seems. We talked about his voice, etc. and he will refer to ENT if the Neuro. group do not do so on Wed. He thought it would be best to let them make a decision about it. He did say that if the vocal chords are paralyzed the voice will not come back. I kind of knew that but wasn't prepared for it. He will also send him to speech therapy for swallowing studies. He is too young to not be able to talk!! forever. I guess the waiting game continues and we will see what they say Wed.

    I can smell our dinner so better get it on the table. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    JUst a quick hello to mark my spot for the new month. I haven't had dinner yet, and I need to figure something out quick before I surrender to a processed entree from the freezer.

    Gayla, I hope the doctors come up with a solution for Neil's voice.

    Good evening all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey look like I am the first one here today. It is a cool wet day here.
    I am loving the portion plate way of eating.
    For lunch i had1/4 Personel pizza., a big salad with vinegar and oil 1/2 c bing cherries and a glass of skim milk. It was plenty i am full.

    do hope you all are having a wonderful day!!!!!!!!
  • It sounds like all of us are having trials of some sort. But God is faithful, and we tend to get through them one way or another.

    My last of six chemo sessions was yesterday. I got a certificate of completion, a present, and the nurses blew champagne bubbles over and around me. My cancer markers were down (from 3000 in the beginning) to just 8. Thirty is good, so 8 is great. I get another CT scan end of the month, then see Dr. on December 13 for results. I am expecting good reports. Thanks for your prayers and support.

    I walked for 30 minutes this morning around Fred Meyers. Then 20 minutes this afternoon. I may get into this yet! I have had such an appetite I thought I had gained a lot of weight (my scale isn't dependable) but it was only one pound. I guess I can deal with that.

    Love you all.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Irene so nice to hear a good report from your and your lovely Message to us all. your are a shinning example to us all. Don't know if I could be as strong as you thru all of that. you ae priceless. Wonderful news.

    it is raining and cold here today. so has been a stay st home day. Tomorrow we go grocer shopping. My son sent me a crock pot and a crock pot cookbook. for my birthday. I told my husband i will cook one recipe a week out of it. So need to decide what and get all the engredient on my shopping list.

    Keep warm you all.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. Our snow is nearly gone and I am hoping it stays away for several weeks. I need to throw some towels in the wash and then go get a few groceries but I have been procrastinating.

    Marie -- It sounds like your new plan is going great. You get to eat such a nice variety that perhaps you won't tire of it. That is the problem with so many of the diet plans, at least for me. I enjoy variety.

    Jeffrey -- Sorry that the recovery is so painful. I hope today is better.

    Gigi -- Have fun with your daughter!

    Irene -- Sounds like good news! So glad you are back to feeling well enough to exercise. You inspire me!

    Barbie -- I knew it wouldn't take you long to get back to your goal. It is strange though, how quick it comes on relative to how long it takes to come off. :wink:

    Barb -- I hope so too but trying to be prepared.

    Sandy -- I hope each day gets better with your pain in the butt!! Sorry for the weight gain. It will come off.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    It sounds like all of us are having trials of some sort. But God is faithful, and we tend to get through them one way or another.

    My last of six chemo sessions was yesterday. I got a certificate of completion, a present, and the nurses blew champagne bubbles over and around me. My cancer markers were down (from 3000 in the beginning) to just 8. Thirty is good, so 8 is great. I get another CT scan end of the month, then see Dr. on December 13 for results. I am expecting good reports. Thanks for your prayers and support.

    I walked for 30 minutes this morning around Fred Meyers. Then 20 minutes this afternoon. I may get into this yet! I have had such an appetite I thought I had gained a lot of weight (my scale isn't dependable) but it was only one pound. I guess I can deal with that.

    Love you all.

    Irene, it's so wonderful to hear positive news! And I agree...God is faithful!:love:

    Greetings to everyone!:flowerforyou: I've been lurking in the background but try to stay in touch.:wink: You are all such a special group and I keep you all in my prayers!:love:

    It's been busy between work and the grandchildren. They were all so cute on Halloween! We got over 100 kids!!! :noway: Very busy street......but I love it...especially the little ones. :smile: My grandaughter was a pirate (in my new pic) I could just eat her up!!!:laugh: And my grandsons too!:flowerforyou:

    Stay well everyone! Thanks for starting the November thread Sandy!:flowerforyou:

    BirdieM :heart:
  • HELP! I can't post my dinner to my food track. I find my item, click add, and it throws it all the way back to October 28 added to my dinner back then. I've tried sevral times. Even turned the computer off and started over. Anyone else having trouble? And right when I'm so motivated! :brokenheart:
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi kiddos,
    wELL, Iam back, although I have not been gone. Have logged in for 80 days or so but have just been logging my food. Still weigh the same....thus comes the goal for November...to lose 7 pounds!

    The doctor said he wanted me to think abut exercising...I told him that I think about it all the time...I just don't do it. SoI will shoot for 3x per weeK!

    Will enjoy getting up! At least there are only 2 days posted! TEE HEE
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome back Sandi We missed you. thought you were on another trip? I need to work on my exercise more too.

    Just wanted to sy hi to you and have a good night. It has rain here all day and is still raining.
    I am off to bed.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandi, welcome back....we'd love to hear more from you. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Irene, congratulations on the good news from your doctor and congrats on the exercise you're doing.....one step at a time.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, thank you for starting the new thread for November......this will be a month filled with gratitude for many things including all my senior golden sneakers friends.

    :flowerforyou: I've been so busy with applesauce that I haven't had much time for the computer :laugh:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    HELP! I can't post my dinner to my food track. I find my item, click add, and it throws it all the way back to October 28 added to my dinner back then. I've tried sevral times. Even turned the computer off and started over. Anyone else having trouble? And right when I'm so motivated! :brokenheart:

    You are doing this before midnight on the current day correct Irene? I click on food, go to dinner click on the foods that I have eaten and then click on add. Don't be discouraged, if it doesn't work again tomorrow then we will figure it out for you. You are doing wonderful so keep posting and keep coming back.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    It sounds like all of us are having trials of some sort. But God is faithful, and we tend to get through them one way or another.

    My last of six chemo sessions was yesterday. I got a certificate of completion, a present, and the nurses blew champagne bubbles over and around me. My cancer markers were down (from 3000 in the beginning) to just 8. Thirty is good, so 8 is great. I get another CT scan end of the month, then see Dr. on December 13 for results. I am expecting good reports. Thanks for your prayers and support.

    I walked for 30 minutes this morning around Fred Meyers. Then 20 minutes this afternoon. I may get into this yet! I have had such an appetite I thought I had gained a lot of weight (my scale isn't dependable) but it was only one pound. I guess I can deal with that.

    Love you all.

    Irene, it's so wonderful to hear positive news! And I agree...God is faithful!:love:

    Greetings to everyone!:flowerforyou: I've been lurking in the background but try to stay in touch.:wink: You are all such a special group and I keep you all in my prayers!:love:

    It's been busy between work and the grandchildren. They were all so cute on Halloween! We got over 100 kids!!! :noway: Very busy street......but I love it...especially the little ones. :smile: My grandaughter was a pirate (in my new pic) I could just eat her up!!!:laugh: And my grandsons too!:flowerforyou:

    Stay well everyone! Thanks for starting the November thread Sandy!:flowerforyou:

    BirdieM :heart:

    Birdie, your granddaughter is beautiful and you look great!!!